Academia .edu

17 Feb 2019 A Napster moment for Can a Californian start-up disrupt academic publishing in the same way streaming upset music, asks 

2 Jan 2015 Nate: is a network where academics can share their research papers. Most people sign up because it's an alternative to having  2 Jan 2015 Nate: is a network where academics can share their research papers. Most people sign up because it's an alternative to having is a place to share and follow research.

Oliver P Richmond | The University of ... - Oliver P Richmond, The University of Manchester, Department of Politics & Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, Faculty Member. Studies International Studies, Cultural Theory, and Development Studies. Oliver Richmond's primary area of Lucas F W Wilson | Florida Atlantic University - Lucas F W Wilson, Florida Atlantic University, Comparative Studies Department, Graduate Student. Studies Holocaust Literature, Holocaust Studies, and Evangelicalism. I hold a BA in English, summa cum laude, from Liberty University, as well as an MA University of Alberta - is a place to share and follow research. Adrian Ivakhiv | University of Vermont -

22 Apr 2016 is a website dedicated for education institutions. It allows users to share papers and findings to make it accessible for others to 

Lucas F W Wilson, Florida Atlantic University, Comparative Studies Department, Graduate Student. Studies Holocaust Literature, Holocaust Studies, and Evangelicalism. I hold a BA in English, summa cum laude, from Liberty University, as well as an MA University of Alberta - is a place to share and follow research. Adrian Ivakhiv | University of Vermont - Adrian Ivakhiv, University of Vermont, Environmental Studies Department, Faculty Member. Studies Film Theory, Poststructuralism, and Environmental Studies. My teaching and research has focused at the intersections of environmental thought

Steven Pinker | Harvard University -

Log In with Facebook. Log In with Google. or. Email. Password. Password   By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our Terms. Already have an account? Log In . ist ein Unternehmen, welches einen kommerziellen Dokumentenserver betreibt. Es wurde 2008 von Richard Price gegründet. is an American commercial social networking website for academics. The website allows its users to create a profile, upload their work(s), and  8. März 2019 Juni 2011 habe ich meinen eingerichtet, damals war dieser privatwirtschaftliche Internetdienst noch keine drei Jahre alt. 73291 likes · 1320 talking about this. is a social platform for academics to share research papers.

Paul Gavrilyuk | University of St. Thomas ... - Paul Gavrilyuk, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, Theology Department, Faculty Member. Studies Religious Epistemology, Patristics, and Pseudo-Dionysius. Prof. Paul L. Gavrilyuk holds the Endowed Aquinas Chair in Theology and Philosophy in the Ling-Wei Kung | Columbia University - Ling-Wei Kung, Columbia University, East Asian Languages and Cultures Department, Graduate Student. Studies History, Philology, and Comparative Philology. I am a historian studying modern China and Inner Asia, especially the relationships between New York University -

Ohio State University - is a place to share and follow research. Ornette Clennon - Ornette Clennon, Manchester Metropolitan University, Faculty of Health, Psychology and Social Care, Faculty Member. Studies Community Engagement & Participation, Community Development, and Urban Regeneration. I am an interdisciplinary researcher John R Latham | Independent Researcher - John R Latham, Independent Researcher, Organization Design Studio, Ltd. Department, Department Member. Studies Leadership, Leading Change, and Organizational Learning. As an organization designer, researcher, and teacher, I help leaders learn how to Deraya University -

27 Oct 2015 So with I've heard many careful, thoughtful academics note that they're sharing their work there because that's where everybody 

Elizabeth Frood | University of Oxford - Elizabeth Frood, University of Oxford, Oriental Studies Department, Faculty Member. Studies Egyptian Art and Archaeology, Egyptian Texts, and Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology). Dana Kratochvílová | Charles University, Prague - Dana Kratochvílová, Charles University, Prague, URS Department, Faculty Member. Studies Languages and Linguistics, Modality, and Diminutives, Augmentatives, Evaluative Morphology. Assitant professorFaculty of ArtsCharles University (Czech Republic) Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani - Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani studies Team Development, Intercultural Management, Linguistics, Historical arms and armor, leadership and strategy, and Iranian Martial Arts. I am an intercultural competence consultant, leadership coach and a lecturer